This is a copy of The Numbers Racket CD-ROM, which I prepared back in 1998. I am presenting it here, unedited, for historical purposes. Obviously most if not all of the information is 'out of date' today, but think of it as a snapshot of what the Spy Numbers scene was like in the late 1990s.
Like what you see here? Help support my work by taking a look at my software , and buy something of interest :) It's all available for download before purchase, so you can try it out.
It is not meant as a replacement for the "given names" for Numbers Stations. It is by these names that most stations are commonly known. Referring to stations purely by a number/letter combination would completely remove most of the excitement that comes with listening to these stations.
E1 Ready Ready *E2 Arabic Man / The Babbler E3 Lincolnshire Poacher E4 Cherry Ripe E5 The Counting Station E6 English Man - aka The Russian Man, ends 00000 a. 2 group commencing 11111 b. 3F ID with 5F group in "call" E7 English Man - ending with 000 000 E9 Magnetic Fields E10 Phonetic Alphabet - NATO Designators (MOSSAD) E11 Oblique E12 NNN E13 Five Dashes *E14 The Counting Station 4F "control" transmission E15 Phonetic Alphabet - pre-NATO Designators (Nancy Adam Susan) E16 Two Letter E17 English Lady - aka The Russian Man ends, 00000 E18 Fife Free (Edna Sednitzer) E19 Irish Man E20 Two message English Man E21 The Counting Station old 4F format (replaced by 3/2FG format) English accent a. American Accent E22 Arabic Man 2L/F E23 Swedish Rhapsody, was G2
*G1 Tyrolean Music Station a. Irregular Tunes - 1st section b. Irregular Tunes and phrase message 1st section G2 Swedish Rhapsody, now E23 a.Counting variant *G3 Gongs or Chimes G4 Three Note Oddity G5 The Counting Station a."Zwei" variant G6 German Lady - aka The Russian Man, ends 00000 G7 German Lady ends 000 000 a. 774 type variant G8 Four Note Rising Scale a. Single repeated 5F groups b. Rapid dots intro *G9 Saxaphone Piece a. 3/2 group variant *G10 Bert Kaempfert G11 Strich G12 NNN G13 Five Dashes G14 DFC37 and DFD21 G15 Papa November (Two Letter) a. Papa November read over notes G16 Two Letter *G17 German Lady (5420 kHz) *G18 Eight Note rising and falling scale G19 German Man, ends 000000 *G20 Spruch a. one 5F group *G21 Music and Morse *G22 Edna Sednitzer *G23 2M8, Hitler's Birthday
*S1 "Aida" S2 Drums and Trumpets (Last Post) a. With Bugle c. 3F Nomer then reversed d. 5F Nomer S3 Czech Words *S4 Edna Sednitzer *S5 OLX (Old format with null messages) S6 Russian Man 00000 a. 55555 00000 format b. Two groups commemcing 11111 c. Single 5F group repeated d. ID + 111 e. Two message f. 00000 00000 (possible TX error) S7 Russian Man 000 000 a. Multiple two group b. Multiple single group message using same ID *S8 YT *S9 Polish Counting S10 Czech Lady (piano, later five notes) a. 555 "idler" format b. 5 note intro, 3 versions c. 3F ID with "idler" d. 3F ID *S11 "Presta" S12 "Cherta" S13 Russian Counting and announcements, two minute (UPT76, etc) S14 Russian Counting and announcements, long duration (Shield 58/South 96, etc) *S15 Rapid Dots (earlier OLX format) *S16 OLX *S17 Czech Lady control 5FG a. No circuit No,Indexing or group count b. "01" group count c. 313-5F, "05" group count ?S18 Czech Man 3FG 5FG S19 Czech Man control a. 000 format *S20 "Aifada" S21 Russian Lady S22 DELETED S23 DELETED S24 DELETED S25 Russian Man control a.11111 22222 format b. With message *S26 "Zyt Zyt" ("Hush Hush" in Polish) S27 Czech Lady II S28 The Buzzer (formerly XB)
*V1 The Skylark (aka The Mad Violinist) a. With additional tune V2 Spanish Lady a. 150/150/150 type (three messages, all 150 count) V3 DELETED V4 DELETED V5 The Counting Station * a. 4F V6 Spanish Lady 00000 V7 Spanish Man 000 000 V8 Eastern Music - Arabic, 6645, 11292 kHz V9 Oriental Langauge, 5738, 6280, 8036 kHz *V10 Schlosst V12 NNN - French V13 New Star Broadcasting *V14 The Counting Station "control" transmission V15 Radio Pyongyang - North Korean Numbers V16 Chinese Numbers V17 Romanian 3FG +000 V18 NNN - Hungarian *V19 WTR21 - Don't Cry For Me Argentina V20 The Bored Man V21 The Babbler * No longer in existance
M1 2-Tone hand-keyed, ends 000 a. End of Month variant b. As a. but with message c. All other variants inc. 3 long dash ending M2 CW version of NNN, ends AR Long Zero M3 / Ends ==000 a. With triplet element M4 LOLO Long Zero M05- 6 Fig 000000 Long Zero *M6 OLX a. Rapid dots tuning sig. M7 Formerly Rapid Dashes MCW ends 000 + TS M8 Cut Numbers, Ends AR AR AR SK SK SK M09- M10 Formerly Rapid Dashes CW 2 fig DK, End 000 a. Triplet 000 b. Additional groups, ends Triplet 000 c. 5F Headers d. GC sent 3 times M11 Variation of M1 M12 Ends 000 000(3 or 4 fig. DK) M13 Ends 3 long dashes M14 Ends 00000 or 5 long dashes M15- DEA 47 M16 8BY M17 MCW ends VA M18 4 fig pseudo time signal M19 MPL M20 V ends == 000 M21 ????? 14 fig pseudo time signal type. M22- 4XZ M23 Odd/Even Many Variants (all long zero) M24 Ends 5 long dashes, see M14 a. 2nd addressee, hand keyed M25 KKN, KRH, KWS series M26 98 M27- BTV M28 HEP M29 VDE ends AR a. No preamble b. Extended preamble M30 M31- FDC, FDG etc series M32 (Russian Military Net) M33 P8K Long Zero M34 1 12345 2fig IDs, no ending Alteration "11 12345" M39 3 fig IDs + 4 elements of 5 figure M36 Deleted, it was actually P8K M40- CQ 3 fig M41- WZD M42- KUL etc network M43- 6XM8/C37A group M44 Continuous Letters M45 S21 Morse, ends 000 M46 3 fig cumulative M47 /2/3fig cumulative (JST) M48- The Skylark, Ciocirlia Morse M49- G8A morse M50 Hand Keyed 5431kHz+ 4947kHz Many Variants M51 100x 5L groups M52 2fig:6fig, long zero M53 747.3F, ends "== AR AR VA VA". YT / BVT Family? a. Hand Keyed variant M54- V89T,only null message format known M55 F x 6, 000 000,long zero, null message M56 1fig:5fig, long zero M57- UNDER RE-EVALUATION M58 ===3lt UNDER RE-EVALUATION M63 A2A M64- "= 3F 3F = 11111 5F, AR" M65- Ends "= = QRU QRU SK SK" M66- UNDER RE-EVALUATION M67- Ends 0000 (Turkish?) a. 3F 2F 7777
MX SLHFMs MXC Clusters MXF FSK Mode MXL Solitary long-term MXS Solitary short-term MXP "P" with message MXV irregular V X1 Bugle X6 Six Tone Station XC Crackle XB Buzzer (now S28) XF Faders XE Echo XW Workshop XP Polytone XPH Polytone High Pitch XPL Polytone Low Pitch XM Backwards Music / Whales XX Pip XS Saw/Whine XXX Fast CW pips, 3595Khz
This is a copy of The Numbers Racket CD-ROM, which I prepared back in 1998. I am presenting it here, unedited, for historical purposes. Obviously most if not all of the information is 'out of date' today, but think of it as a snapshot of what the Spy Numbers scene was like in the late 1990s.
Like what you see here? Help support my work by taking a look at my software , and buy something of interest :) It's all available for download before purchase, so you can try it out.