This is a copy of The Numbers Racket CD-ROM, which I prepared back in 1998. I am presenting it here, unedited, for historical purposes. Obviously most if not all of the information is 'out of date' today, but think of it as a snapshot of what the Spy Numbers scene was like in the late 1990s.

Like what you see here? Help support my work by taking a look at my software , and buy something of interest :) It's all available for download before purchase, so you can try it out.


New Star Broadcasting Station

New Star Broadcasting Station

This station transmits it's coded messages under the guise of being a legitimite broadcasting station.

The Mandarin Chinese language is used.

The transmissions start with traditional Chinese flute music

Here's a typical transmission...

Station Identification:
"Zheli shi Xin Xing Guangbo Diantai, di yi tai"     Here is New Star Broadcasting Station, the first program
A list of the messages to be sent is then given:												
you 63482 danwei,                                   For unit 63482,  (may be four or five digits)
shi yue fen di yi hao dianbao                       October 1 "cable" (message)

"Zheli shi Xin Xing Guangbo Diantai, di yi tai"     Repeat of station identification
4733 4733 9594 9594 1292 1292...                    Message, each group repeated

yishang shi gei 63482                               The preceeding was for unit 63482
shi yue fen di yi hao dianbao                       October 1 "cable"

The station then closes with a message wishing "health and happiness"
This station is believed to transmit from Taiwan. Very little is known about this station, or what it's purpose is.

An article about New Star appeared in the Spring 1995 issue of ENIGMA.


	2300-1600 UTC

    Channel 1	"di yi tai"		11430 kHz       
    Channel 2	"di er tai"		15388 kHz     
    Channel 3	"di san tai"		 9725 kHz      
    Channel 4	"di si tai"		 8300 kHz      
    Channel 5	"di wu tai"		13750 kHz      
 Transmissions start on the hour and half hour. 

Listen to the station Listen the New Star (ENIGMA V13)
Listen to the station Listen the New Star (ENIGMA V13)
Copyright 1998 Chris Smolinski. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: September 19, 1998.

This is a copy of The Numbers Racket CD-ROM, which I prepared back in 1998. I am presenting it here, unedited, for historical purposes. Obviously most if not all of the information is 'out of date' today, but think of it as a snapshot of what the Spy Numbers scene was like in the late 1990s.

Like what you see here? Help support my work by taking a look at my software , and buy something of interest :) It's all available for download before purchase, so you can try it out.