This is a copy of The Numbers Racket CD-ROM, which I prepared back in 1998. I am presenting it here, unedited, for historical purposes. Obviously most if not all of the information is 'out of date' today, but think of it as a snapshot of what the Spy Numbers scene was like in the late 1990s.

Like what you see here? Help support my work by taking a look at my software , and buy something of interest :) It's all available for download before purchase, so you can try it out.


NNN Station

NNN Station

This station transmits in several languages, including French! French language numbers stations are of course extremely rare. The other languages used are English and German. There was at one time a transmission in Hungarian.

The station gets it's name due to the fact that it transmits the letter N in morse code for five minutes at the top of the hour, before the actual message is transmitted.

This is the format of the NNN station:

N N N                   Letter N sent in morse code for five minutes

Group 20  Group 20      The number of 5 digit groups to be sent

81594 71594             20 groups, each group is repeated
64881 64881             

Ende                     End of transmission

English schedule used by the NNN Station:

0400	4573
2100	4644

0400	4573
2100	4644

0400	5821
2000	5821

0400	4573
2100	4644

Listen to the station Listen to NNN in English (ENIGMA E12)
Listen to the station Listen to NNN in French (ENIGMA V12)
Listen to the station Listen to NNN in German (ENIGMA G12)

Copyright 1998 Chris Smolinski. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: June 17, 1998.

This is a copy of The Numbers Racket CD-ROM, which I prepared back in 1998. I am presenting it here, unedited, for historical purposes. Obviously most if not all of the information is 'out of date' today, but think of it as a snapshot of what the Spy Numbers scene was like in the late 1990s.

Like what you see here? Help support my work by taking a look at my software , and buy something of interest :) It's all available for download before purchase, so you can try it out.