Faux Deep Dish Pizza (Relatively Low Carb)

I love pizza, but it’s not a low carb food. This is my close substitute, a variant of deep dish pizza, made without a crust in a casserole dish.

3 15 oz cans Don Pepino pizza sauce
2 13 oz cans mushrooms
3 8 oz bags of shredded mozzarella
44 slices pepperoni

Nutritional info for the entire pizza:
4585 calories
324 grams fat
275 grams protein
105 grams carbohydrates (fiber has been subtracted)

Per serving nutritional info, I get four servings out of it, you may get more or less:
1146 calories
81 grams fat
69 grams protein
26 grams carbohydrates

It is not super low carb, but it is fairly low carb. It’s not really LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) but it is close, if your carbs for the rest of the day really are zero.


Preheat the oven to 350F, or 325F if you use convection mode (which I do).

Drain the pizza sauce in a sieve to remove as much of the liquid as you can, so the resulting pizza will not be too soupy.

While doing that, cook the sausage in a pan.

Put a thin layer of the pizza sauce on the bottom of the casserole dish.

Sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top of the sauce, about one packet, maybe a bit less. Then add about half of the sausage and one can of drained mushrooms.

Put another layer of cheese on top, then half the pepperonis, for my casserole dish I find I can fit 22 of them.

Then put the rest of the sausage and another drained can of mushrooms on top.

Then put the rest of the cheese on top, then put the rest of the pizza sauce on that.

Bake for one hour.

Remove, turn off the oven, and add pepperoni on top, place back in the oven and finish for about 10 or 15 minutes until the pepperoni has crisped up a bit.


2 thoughts on “Faux Deep Dish Pizza (Relatively Low Carb)

  1. I came here looking for the articles on 10 MHz references and saw this pizza at the top.

    I’m trying low carb and this post is awesome. Simply removing the crust- so simple, yet never even thought to do that.

    Absolutely going to try this in the near future, even if I can’t find what freq Capt Morgan is on.

  2. Hello!!Please do not call it pizza! As you know the pizza has a great base of kneaded flour, yeast and water. Natural products . If the dough is well risen, the straight and smooth paste, baking in the oven perfect, do not create bowel problems or stomach. Have you ever tried it with the finely sliced zucchini and very little garlic? Alternatively, finely sliced tomatoes firm, with some basil leaves placed over after cooking? All with a little olive oil before cooking and the right salt. And if you have more calories … it is the way to live !! But this was not a radioappasionati site? Warm greetings from Italy. Claudio

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