This is a copy of The Numbers Racket CD-ROM, which I prepared back in 1998. I am presenting it here, unedited, for historical purposes. Obviously most if not all of the information is 'out of date' today, but think of it as a snapshot of what the Spy Numbers scene was like in the late 1990s.
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Here's an example of a transmission...
Electronic notes Mike Delta repeated four times (This introduction is repeated for five minutes) Message For 565 565 The identifier specifies the recipient of the message 53 Groups The number of 3/2 digit groups which will follow Attention 565 565 The identifier is repeated 53 Groups As is the number of groups 934 50 934 50 53 groups, each group is repeated 711 26 711 26 End End of transmission
The following is a listing Two Letter Phonetic stations and frequencies. All transmissions use USB.
Frequencies (kHz) ================= 2690 2707 2745 3228 3262 4543 4594 4773 4821 4888 5015 5182 5284 5732 5770 6765 6853 7404 7532 7661 7740 7752 7858 8063 8173 9040 9325 9450 10170 10177 10460 10500 10740 11008 11108 11617 11545 12092 12210 12314 13362 13752 13775 13890 14622 14945 15610 16055 16220 16414 17430 18195 18575 19755 20240 20350 20675 22885 Active Calls ============ Language German English AU DL FR GK MD WLSome recent loggings include Mike Delta on 13890 USB at 1400 on Saturday, and Golf Kilo noted at 1900, 1930, 2000, 2030, 2100, 2130, with the time varying with the day of the week.
Here are audio clips of several Two Letter Phonetic Stations.
Alpha Lima (ENIGMA E16) Recorded June 11, 1989
Alpha Uniform (ENIGMA E16)
Bravo Lima (ENIGMA E16)
Delta Alpha (ENIGMA E16)
Echo Hotel (ENIGMA E16)
Juliet Whiskey (ENIGMA E16)
Mike Delta (ENIGMA E16)
Papa Delta (ENIGMA E16)
Papa November (ENIGMA G15) Recorded March 26, 1983
Papa November (ENIGMA G15)
Romeo Delta (ENIGMA E16)
This is a copy of The Numbers Racket CD-ROM, which I prepared back in 1998. I am presenting it here, unedited, for historical purposes. Obviously most if not all of the information is 'out of date' today, but think of it as a snapshot of what the Spy Numbers scene was like in the late 1990s.
Like what you see here? Help support my work by taking a look at my software , and buy something of interest :) It's all available for download before purchase, so you can try it out.