eQSL from Radio Verdad Guatemala

I received this eQSL in about 6 hours for an emailed report sent to radioverdad5@yahoo.com along with an… ePennant ? And an eCalender and eBumperSticker. Thanks for the quick service!

They noted that there is no longer mail delivery in Guatemala. I found this article which explains why.

eQSL From Lupo Radio

One of my best DX catches, a 25 watt AM pirate from Argentina, recently received.

Note from the station operator:

Sr. Chris Smolinski.

Le agradezco mucho su informe de recepción, RADIO LUPO transmite desde Buenos Aires Argentina, con un transmisor de 25 Watt de portadora, 2 válvulas 807 moduladas en G2.
Antena: dipolo horizontal a 12 metros de altura.
Le adjunto QSL

Gracias Chris Saludos LUPO.

Olvide mencionar que la emito todos los dias de 18:00 a 01:00 Hora UTC. + -.


Mr. Chris Smolinski.

Thank you very much for your reception report, RADIO LUPO transmits from Buenos Aires Argentina, with a transmitter of 25 Watt of carrier, 2 valves 807 modulated in G2.
Antenna: horizontal dipole at 12 meters high.
I am attaching QSL

Thank you Chris Greetings LUPO.

Forget to mention that I send it every day from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am UTC. + -.